Best Online Store 通讯模板s To Propose Goods

The most profitable option for the message is to demonstrate your TOP offers. 在电子邮件中, 你可以从分类中加入新产品, 提供额外的服务(例如, 汽车保险或智能手机服务), 展示特价商品. By clicking on such an offer, the person goes to the website page, where he can complete the order. Of course, you use the layout's functionality differently in each case. We know one thing for sure - online store 通讯模板s are profitable, 实用, 和美丽的. 多亏了全面的方法, 人们会收到一封包含有价值信息的电子邮件, 你的网站会有更多的转化率和销售额. Buy only high-quality 和美丽的 designs on Template怪物.


首先,频繁的买家来自网络. 默认情况下, these businesses use our designs to showcase the best-discounted shoes, 智能手机, 家用电器, 和电子设备. 然而,一些业主使用原创的想法. 例如, they offer to buy three books but pay only for two.

其次, manufacturers also purchase similar 项目 to advertise new product ranges. With the help of a block where buyers upload a photo with a short description, 他们发表了一种新的门设计, 独特的手工首饰, 或者针织毛衣.

Thirdly, the product is famous as a reliable news broadcasting tool. 人们打开电子邮件时,往往会选择一个有趣的标题. It doesn't matter whether you offer goods or services in the end.


Several features make people buy graphics on our marketplace. 电子邮件布局有以下改进:

  • 响应. Your messages become flexible and adapt to any screen, thanks to specific improvements. 接收方看到信息, 与此同时, 这些方块完全放在屏幕上.
  • 光模板. The 红色的uced weight of the message allows the fast loading of pages.
  • 切片PSD. 有些作者把他们的设计分成几个部分. Next, they choose formats compatible with Photoshop, CorelDraw, and Illustrator. Thus, buyers edit the appearance in one of these graphic editors.
  • 拖放内容. It will be easy to move the picture into the finished e-letter.
  • 多用途. 严格和克制的色彩范围, 正确的结构, and versatility make the product suitable for many businesses.
  • 博客. 使用本节的链接讲述有趣的新闻.
  • 在线商店/店. The feature helps to demonstrate and establish a connection with the website. In this way, you increase your chances of making a sale.
  • 示例内容. 作者补充了一些文字. 因此,查找信息模块更容易.
  • 房地产目录. Some businesses need to send 通讯s more often than others. 例如, 借助这次机会, you show examples of new apartments on the real estate market as excellently and effectively as possible!
  • 静态. The absence of distracting details makes the message more effective.
  • 画廊. Here, you show successful photos from past projects or new arrivals.
  • 团队成员. 跟我们说说你的天才艺术家吧, 经验丰富的维修专家, 现代医生在这个积木的帮助下. Let people know what professionals work in your company.

Find your essential features and download exactly that graphic.


找出并学习如何自己制作图像. 使用这些材料并订阅我们的频道!



首先,你需要考虑目标. 例如, you should have an 电子商务 feature to sell specific furniture or toys. 其次, 设计是可定制的, so you should choose a more universal variant for all occasions. After all, the product can be helpful countless times. Thirdly, read the description to learn all the details and possibilities. Please choose to favor products on our marketplace and get the best.

Why are paid better than free online store 通讯模板s?

The structure of paid layouts is better thought out and has an exciting and original appearance. Also, buyers get a more extensive list of features and settings. Therefore, you may customize the design of the message and make it unique.




To start trading on the marketplace, complete a simple registration 使用链接. Next, add original graphics and start offering it to TemplateMonstre visitors.