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PrestaShop 1.6.x. How to manage “TM 360 View” module

Tyler Warren February 6, 2017
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本教程将向您展示如何使用“TM 360视图”。 module in Prestashop 1.6.x templates.

The module 在3D视图中显示图像并允许 website 游客可以360度旋转它们. 旋转可以在页面加载时自动开始, 或者访问者可以用鼠标手动旋转“图像”. Moreover, the module 可以用于添加全景视图(或几个全景视图)到主页. 在产品页面上也可以使用360视图模式.

  1. First step is module installation. Navigate to Modules and Settings -> Modules and Settings (1) in your admin panel and find the TM 360 view module (2). 然后点击“安装”按钮(3).

  2. After the module 已成功安装,您将看到“配置”页面默认设置为 module settings. 你可以在这里找到360视图和全景视图的设置. 控件下面描述了这些设置 screenshot. 根据您的需要选择它们,然后点击“保存”按钮(1).


    Enable on Home -选项显示产品的360度视图在主页上.

    Select a product (如果“Enable on Home”设置为“Yes”,则会出现)-选择一个应该在360视图中显示的产品.

    Animate -选项显示产品自动旋转页面加载.

    Frame time (appears if ‘Animate’ is set to ‘Yes’) – time period before one image in the set will be changed to another; should be entered in milliseconds.

  3. 现在,为了配置产品360度视图,您需要上传图像. Navigate to Catalog -> Products in your admin panel, choose the product and click the ‘Edit’ button. Open the ‘TM 360 view’ tab 在产品设置中点击“添加文件”按钮. 点击“上传图像”,然后保存更改.

  4. To make the rotation smooth, 添加更多的图像,并在制作照片时稍微改变位置. 添加图像图片后,产品360视图将显示在主页上. 它也会出现在产品页面的描述*之后.

    *Make sure TM 360 view module is added to hooks at Modules > Positions or to both home and product pages layout if you are utilizing ‘TM Mega layoutmodule.

  5. 禁用主页上的360度视图, 只需进入360视图设置,将“在主页上启用”选项切换为“否”。. 要在产品页面上禁用360视图,请打开“TM 360视图”。 tab 在产品设置中删除所有图像.

Panorama view

This module 还可以用于添加全景视图到主页. 您可以根据需要添加任意多的全景块.

  1. To add new panorama open the module 然后点击“+”(“添加新项目”)按钮.

  2. 您将看到下面描述的全景设置.


    Select a file – choose a panorama image; this field is required (at least for the default language).

    Title – enter a title for the panorama; this field is required (at least for the default language).

    Width – panorama block width; this field is required.

    Height – panorama block height; this field is required.

    Status -启用/禁用主页上的全景项目.

    Loop -开始旋转图像从开始后,它的结束.

    Animate -选项显示全景自动旋转页面加载.

    Frame time (appears if ‘Animate’ is set to ‘Yes’) – time period during which the panorama image makes a full circle; should be entered in milliseconds; this field is required.

  3. 保存更改后,全景视图应该出现在主页上.


That’s it. 现在你知道如何使用“TM 360视图”了 module in Prestashop 1.6.x templates.


PrestaShop 1.6.x. How to manage “TM 360 View” module

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